Club Rules for Aldiss Park Bowls Club
1. Title and Affiliation
a) The club shall be called the Aldiss Park Bowls Club
b) The club shall be affiliated to the Norfolk County EBA Association and any other association the Committee deems appropriate.
2. Objects of the Club
To foster and promote the game of lawn bowls at all levels, providing opportunities for recreation and competition.
3. Membership
a) There shall be three classes of membership:
Full Member
Junior Member (under 18)
Honorary Member (to be voted on by members at a General Meeting on the recommendation of the Committee)
b) Membership of the club shall be open to any person completing a membership form and paying the subscription fee as determined by both the Bowls Club and DTFCS&L, approval having been made by both clubs.
4. Officers
The officers of the club shall be as follows:
All officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the club from, and by, the members of the club. All officers are elected for a period of one year, but may be re-elected to the same office or another in the following year.
5. General Committee
a) The affairs of the club shall be controlled by a General Committee comprising of the Executive Officers of the club and other Members elected from, and by, the full members of the club. These non-executive Committee Members should have a particular function or functions to perform.
b) These non-executive Members shall be: the club captain; team captains; a members’ representative; the green-keeper; a social committee member; the press liaison officer.
c) The duties of the General Committee shall be:
To control the affairs of the club on behalf of members
To keep accurate accounts of the finances through the Treasurer. Insert: The annual accounts will be subject to independent examination.
To co-opt additional members to the committee as and when necessary.
Co-opted members shall not be entitled to a vote on the committee.
To make decisions on the basis of a simple majority vote; the Chairperson shall be entitled to an additional vote in the event of a split decision.
To hold regular meetings throughout the year.
To examine complaints and any breaking of constitutional rules, with the authority to suspend or expel members from Aldiss Park Bowls Club. .
6. Annual General Meeting
a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the end of October each year. 21 clear days notice must be given to all club members. Members must advise the Secretary in writing of any business to be moved at the AGM at least 14 days before the meeting. The Secretary shall give notice of the agenda for the meeting to members not less than 7 days before the meeting.
b) The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:
confirm the minutes of the previous AGM
receive and adopt a verbal report of the Chairman
receive and adopt a verbal and written report from the Treasurer (insert: including audited accounts)
receive and adopt a verbal and written report from the Secretary
receive a verbal report from the club captains
elect the Officers of the club
transact any other business that has been notified to the Secretary
7. General Meetings
These meetings may be convened by the General Committee or on receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing from not less than 20% of full members of the club. At least 21 days notice of the meeting shall be given. Decisions made at a General Meeting shall be by a simple majority vote from those full members attending the meeting.
8. Alterations to these rules may only be considered at an Annual or General Meeting. Any amendments must be supported by at least two-thirds of the full members present at the meting.
9. Dissolution
Should there be insufficient members for the club to be viable, the Bowls Club has to be dissolved, and any surplus funds distributed to current members in equal shares)
10. Club Bye-Laws
a) Dress. Club, County and National competitions – Aldiss Park club shirts, grey skirts or trousers, grey or brown bowls shoes. Whites instead of greys only to be worn when specified.
b) The club expects all members to behave in a gentlemanly/ladylike manner in accordance with the understood etiquette and rules of bowls.
c) The playing green must be respected at all times. Only flat-soled bowling shoes are allowed on the green.
d) Players are expected to be aware of the playing rules of the leagues and competitions in which they participate.
e) Members are expected to keep themselves up to date with games in which they have been selected to play.
f) Except for an emergency, and agreed by the two team captains, mobile telephones are not allowed on the green during periods of play.
The above Rules and Constitution was accepted by the members of Aldiss Park Bowls Club at the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 24th October 2012, and as amended at the Pre-Season General Meeting on 25th March 2015 and subject to the Financial and Administrational Agreement between Dereham Town FC Sports and Leisure and Aldiss Park Bowls Club effective from 1st June 2014 (see Annex A)
Signed for and on behalf of Aldiss Park Bowls Club:
Chairman ………………………………
Annex A
1. APBC will be financially independent
2. Land and buildings will remain the property of DTFCS&L
3. All equipment, including furniture and fittings, would be the property of APBC
4. Maintenance of the buildings and bowls green would be the responsibility of APBC
5. A peppercorn rent of £1 a year for use of the green by APBC would be paid to DTFCS&L
6. The outstanding loan with Bowls England of £2,500 would be the responsibility of APBC
7. Members of APBC would be associate members of DTFCS&L
8. List of members of APBC to be submitted with addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses together with a cheque to cover membership fees to DTFCS&L
9. DTFCS&L to issue membership cards to the secretary of APBC
10. Membership fees to cover building and public liability insurance, rates and utility charges. Water to the bowls green will be fitted with a meter; any water used calculated to exceed £200 will be paid by APBC. Any cost for maintenance of equipment related to the operation of the bowls green sprinklers (pumps etc) will be shared jointly by DTFCS&L and APBC
11. DTFC will honour any functions in the 2014/15 year
12. DTFCS&L to keep APBC informed in advance of any changes that could impact on APBC