Bowls etiquette guide
This is a rough guide only to help you keep focused on the game when on the green.
Try and arrive at least 20 minutes before the game, to get ready.
Be aware of the dress code for the game.
Before and after the game, introduce yourself and shake hands with your opponents.
During the game stay at least 1 metre behind you opponent whilst they are bowling their woods, and be quiet so as not to distract them.
Do not sit on the bank whilst waiting to play.
Stand still when a bowler is about to deliver their wood.
Wait until the wood has been delivered before moving.
After you have delivered your wood, retire behind the mat.
When changing ends, make sure you stay in your rink.
When you move to the opposite end, if you are a lead or a number two, stand behind the last wood so as not to interfere with the game.
Woods should not be kicked in until the number of shots has been agreed.
Bowling is a friendly game, so good sportsmanship and courtesy should be the order of the day.
Do not criticise the condition of another team's green.
Familiarise yourself with the rules of the game, as they do vary between EBA and EBF matches.
Unless essential, make sure that mobile phones are switched off during the game.